Washing Greens Detergent
Both hemp/organic cotton blend and 100% organic cotton diapering products can be washed using the Washing Greens All Natural Detergent.
BabeeGreens all natural, bio-degradable detergent has been specifically created for diaper laundering but is great for all your family’s laundry.
BabeeGreens Washing Greens is made with only four ingredients. The cleaner and simpler, the better.
Ingredients are, soda ash, sodium bicarbonate, pure castile soap, organic tea tree and lavender oils.
Essential oils of tea tree and lavender act as anti-bacterial component to this gentle wash. By adding a scoop to the bottom of a diaper pail Washing Greens also acts as a deodorizer by neutralizing odors.
Washing Greens comes with a pre-measured stainless steel scoop. Add one to two tablespoons of Washing Greens detergent per load depending on size of load and how soiled.
Each 48 ounce box of Washing Greens powder detergent does 48-96 loads of laundry. Number of loads depends on whether using one or two tablespoons per load.
Compatible with HE machines.
Packaged in 100% recycled paperboard boxes.