Hormones Herbal Tea
The balancing of hormones is a dance of the mind and body, where both influence the other to make more or less of specific hormones. The herbs we have specifically chosen offer the benefits of: -Supports the pathways in the brain that are responsible for producing and administering hormones in your body. -Hormone balance by working directly on the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus to regulate hormone production. -Supports healthy estrogen levels by improving brain-organ communication and modulating cell receptors. -Contains compounds to increase testosterone production and decrease the enzyme activity that is responsible for converting testosterone to DHT, preserving testosterone levels in the body. Flavor Profile Earthy, Light, Roasted, Slightly Sweet.
Ingredients Ashwagandha Root, Black Cohosh Root, Chaste Tree Berries, Dandelion Root, Dong Quai Root, Fenugreek Seed, Holy Basil Leaf, Raspberry Leaf, Saw Palmetto Berry