
Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller - black on black


The ultimate all-terrain stroller

An all-terrain stroller with a sleek, lightweight design, making it perfect for urban exploration or strolling on your favorite path. Comfortable for children and ergonomic for parents!

A jogging stroller made for active parents

All-terrain jogging stroller with a sleek, lightweight design. The design includes large 16” wheels, suspension for comfort and control, and a swivel front wheel for strolling and maneuvering around town that quickly and easily locks in place for jogging or rougher terrain. The integrated twist hand brake offers improved security and braking control on hilly terrain and while running. One-handed, compact fold makes storing and transporting a breeze.

Max child weight 49 lb

Max stroller weight capacity 75 lb

Folded dimensions 34.2 x 27.2 x 13.3 in

Weight 25 lb

Sitting height 21 in

Door pass through 27.2 in

Safety harness 5-point

Meets safety standards
